Planning ref 18/01260/OUT: Land south of Wistow Road, Kibworth Harcourt
I write to object to this planning application, which is contrary to the adopted Local Plan. The Kibworths have already met their housing allocation, due to previously approved developments. Harborough District Council has demonstrated it exceeds the required five-year land supply, which stood at 7.04 years as of the 31st March 2019.
Further to this, I have concerns about the impact this development would have upon local infrastructure and the congestion that would result from 400 new houses. As such, it is also highly likely to have a detrimental impact on air quality, landscaping and ecology in the vicinity.
I understand the concerns regarding the impact on local roads and infrastructure are shared by the Local Highways Authority, which they did not feel were fully addressed within the application.
Concerns about congestion in the Kibworths have also been borne out by a recent infrastructure survey I have undertaken across the area. Though responses are still being received, we have approximately 675, of which 83% are ‘very concerned’ with congestion in the area. These concerns are likely to significantly increase on the back of this development, so I write to object in the strongest possible terms.