Fighting crime

One of the things that brought me into politics is a belief in the importance of law and order.

I'm pleased that the Government are now recruiting an extra 20,000 police officers. There are now 332 more police officers in Leicestershire alone than there were four years ago. Overall crime is down by a third since 2019, and by more than 50pc since 2010. Crime is still to high though, and I am pushing for tougher sentences for prolific criminals. 

As well as fighting crime, I know we need to deal with the underlying causes of crime: particularly drug addiction. We invested £780 million into expanding drug treatment, and now more addicts are getting treatment.

I am in regular contact with both the police locally, and Leicestershire's Police and Crime Commissioner, Rupert Matthews, and when there are particular issues locally, I have pressed for special police operations and organised meetings for local residents to raise their concerns with the police directly. 


Neil O'Brien presses the Government for tougher sentencing

The MP for Harborough, Oadby, and Wigston has published new data, available here, on super-prolific criminals - people with very large numbers of previous convictions.Data from the Ministry of Justice shows that roughly half of all crimes are committed by 10% of offenders.

Neil O'Brien pushes the Government to end the Early Release Scheme

The MP for Harborough, Oadby and Wigston has published an article, available here, looking at alternatives to the new Government's plan to release prisoners after serving only 40%-43% of their sentence.The new Prime Minister, Kier Starmer, and his Prisons Minister, James Timpson, both believe that m

Neil welcomes tougher measures on pet theft

Neil O'Brien, MP for Harborough, Oadby & Wigston has welcomed announcements that pet theft will be made a specific offence by the Government. Neil said, “I know this is something that has unfortunately affected some of my constituents in Harborough personally. I am pleased to see the findings