Improving planning and protecting green spaces

I care passionately about preserving our beautiful landscapes, villages and towns. Therefore, fixing our broken planning system and fighting cowboy developers is one of my top priorities. 

At the national level, I've written reports on this (one of which can be found by following the link here), and led numerous debates in Parliament.

At a local level I am pressing for more transparency about our council’s local plan making process, and opposing plans by the government to build a new town between Oadby and Great Glen.

As a minister, I wrote legislation - now coming into effect - which will see a greater proportion of housing delivered through brownfield regeneration in our cities, rather than concreting over more and more of the green spaces we value. I got the law changed to make sure more of the profits created by development flow to the community, not just developers, and ensure that when new homes are built they always come with the infrastructure that's needed.

I have helped people affected by cowboy developers, using Parliament to name and shame companies who have treated residents badly, and forcing them to make improvements. 

I have also given numerous speeches in Parliament on “Fleecehold” – and tried to help local people who have been ripped off by estate management companies.  I am pressing at both the national and local level to get back to the better system where councils adopted shared spaces on new estates and developers contributed to their upkeep.

We do need to build more houses and I want to see a system that does all we can to achieve people’s consent to this, involving local residents and councillors, so local people are part of the process and not an afterthought.


MPs call for secret housing maps to be published

The three MPs representing the Harborough District in Parliament have written a joint letter to council leader Phil Knowles asking the council to publish secret maps of potential housing sites which have so far only been shown to councillors and not the public.The council is aiming to submit a new l

MP writes to Ministers asking for rethink on prison

Neil O’Brien, MP for Harborough Oadby and Wigston, has written to Planning Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Angela Rayner and also to Justice Secretary Shabana Mahmood, calling for controversial plans for a new prison at Gartree to be dropped. In the letter Neil wrote: “At present no work has be

Neil O'Brien leads parliamentary debate on fleecehold estates

Neil O'Brien has secured a Westminster Hall debate on so-called 'fleecehold' housing developments, to push for reform to the system.Under this system (which Neil has written extensively on), the developer retains control of the land the housing is built on, and then is able to charge residents often

MP condemns plans for biomass power plant in Great Bowden

MP for Harborough Neil O’Brien has condemned proposals to build an Anaerobic Digestion power plant in Great Bowden, and is calling on residents to sign his petition against it, and also send in objections to the local council. A planning application has been made to build the plant to replace Marig

“Lessons must be learned”: MP convenes meeting on reducing flooding risks

Harborough MP Neil O’Brien is calling a meeting with the Environment Agency and the County Council, to discuss how to reduce flooding risks in future. Following storm Ciaran, there has been flooding of roads and properties across the area. Neil said: “I've been out and about across the constituen